Friday, March 13, 2009

Meet Frank Chu

©2009 Garrito

I had no clue when I took this photo last year that I was in the midst of celebrity. His name is Frank Chu and, according to Wikipedia, he's one of San Francisco's best-known eccentrics. That's saying a lot. I thought I was taking a picture of A nut. Turns out he's THE nut.

Chu's sign changes daily, with the one consistent element being his trademark "12 Galaxies". It's only recently that he's upped the total of Galaxies, as you can see here along the Embarcadero. (Did he finally buy a telescope?) There even used to be a local nightclub named 12 Galaxies in his honor. Chu sells ad space on the back of that sign (I wish I had taken a look!), with companies like Quiznos Sub sponsoring him, and gets free meals at restaurants all over the city.

Who's crazy now, huh? (OK, yeah, it's probably him. Still...)


Samsmama said...

At the age of 24 he took 11 family members hostage? Yep, HE is THE NUT!

Awhile back at a major intersection a man was holding a protest sign. Something about not using a particular lawyer because he'd screwed over the guy's 84 year old grandmother. I felt bad. Especially because he spelled it "attorny".

garrito said...

OK, so he has one, ahem, minor blemish on his record.

As for misspelled signs, my favorite will always be that "Get a brain, Morans!" guy.

Samsmama said...

"Moran"...Hilarious! What an embecille. ;)