Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Female outrage begins in 3, 2, 1...

Wow. Just wow. I came across this article in Japan Times titled, Women, Know Your Place.

The writer, Kris Kosaka (apparently female) basically believes professional women (at least Japanese) are "overqualified housewives".

Some money quotes:

"How much money thoughtlessly wasted through the years on cram schools and education, on overseas travel, violin lessons?"

"A new focus on marital arts should replace all other education for women in Japan, starting from mid-elementary level, lest girls become susceptible to the dangerous notion that they can someday have a life outside the home."

"I propose all Japanese women, at the age of 10, enter matrimonial arts academies. The curriculum will center on how to make life pleasant for men and children, and such courses as "Household Funds" or "How to Raise a Chauvinistic Male" will ensure society regains a clarity and unity of purpose so lacking in today's confused world. Seminars such as "How to Pour Beer into your Husband's Glass with Minimal Foam" or "Bathing Children While Maintaining a Pristine Bath" will ensure Japanese women learn the skills and develop the talents necessary for their existence."

Now, I'm no expert on Japanese society, but I'm curious how suggestions like these might fly in the U.S. Plus, I guess I'm a little disappointed the author doesn't at least recommend private geisha lessons.

I just realized: this kinda works as a companion piece to Cary's Neato Dating Tips Of The Day post on List of the Day.


Samsmama said...

I'd comment, but am wondering if I need permission to speak?

Also, my initial thought is now running through my head...

"I think I'm turning Japanese, I really think so..."

Mary said...

oh my my my my my...that's just about all I can muster right now.
I have a friend- a very dear friend really- who's wife took 6 months off work after their son was born. One sad day, he came home and notcied the kitchen floor was dirty and he, my enlightened friend, said to her, "I'd have thought with all that extra time, you could have mopped the floor."
She told this to a bunch of us over dinner and you could have heard a pin drop. We all looked at him and my husband just muttered, 'Dude' sort of sorry-like, under his breath...
he'll never ever live that down. And she never ever mops the floor- he has a new househodl duty :)

Mary said...

oh my god...whose whose!!!!!!!! not who's.

garrito said...

Permission to speak granted, Samsmama (including permission to curse, scream, bitch, and moan). But Turning Japanese is about, er...oh, never mind.

Mary - yep, that low "Dude" speaks volumes. As a guy, I never want to hear it. But if I do, I'm sure I'll deserve it.

Cary McNeal said...

Mary, a comment like that is a good way to get your dick knocked in the dirt in my house. That's one brave dude, your friend.

G - thanks for the shout-out, Holmes.

Harmony said...

Private Geisha lessons HA...pretty good!

Matter Of Fact Mommy said...

mary, my asshole husband, or my favorite moniker for him, "World's Most Selfish Asshole" says that kind of shit to me ALL THE TIME. "you didn't vacuum? did you do my laundry?"

it's amazing nobody has died in my household.

anyway, yeah fuck that shit... all of it. homey don't play dat. but, if it's just japanese culture, meh - to each his/her own. we get fat from eating mcdonald's and they stay skinny by eating lots of rice. whatevs.

sorry, i'm bitter this evening for some reason...

garrito said...

My pleasure, Mr. LotD. Not geisha pleasure, mind you.

Harmony-I'm just sayin'...

MoFM-Asshole so deserves the low "Dude", except it has to come from another dude. If a woman realizes a guy has fucked up, it's expected. But when a guy points it out, hoo boy. Or are Asshole's buddy friends all Assholes, too?

Mary said...

garrito- you are exactly right...if any of the girls had started in on him it would have lost the effect of the low 'Dude...'
the rest of the guys just sat with downcast eyes. It was really an awful moment.
MoFM? I'm guessing G is right- all of Asshole's friends must be Assholes too. Otherwise they'd help keep him in check a bit. sorry! we still love ya-
Cary- the dick in the dirt really conjured up a nice visual- thanks :)
p.s. is it bad blogging ettiquette to commment on other people's comments on another person's blog?

Sally said...

Is it possible this Kris person could be writing this "tongue in cheek"? I didn't go to the actual article (I just read the post in the "female" link), but she can't really believe this shit she's propounding - can she?

garrito said...

It could well be, Sally. That was my first instinct, but after a couple of reads I wasn't completely convinced. Her article concludes:

"If Japanese corporations and the men who run them force their employees to embrace a work-life balance; if such novel concepts as work-time flexibility, leaving when your work is done instead of when your boss leaves, being rewarded for merit instead of seniority become commonplace; if Japanese families realize the benefits of having a father actually present and active in home-minding and child-raising; if Japanese women admit the only way they can have a family and a career is to have a man physically present and willing to take on some of their traditional roles . . . well, perhaps things could change.

I remain pessimistic, however. These strategies have been tried in many other countries without resounding success. Are British, French or American women any happier with the difficult choices they face in balancing work and home? Better to be clear from the beginning, for both men and women, and harmony in society."

I agree that the person posting in the "female" link seems to think Kris is critiquing Japanese culture from a Western perspective, but I'm not completely convinced. But there IS always a chance I walked unsuspectingly into an extremely active mine field.

Unfortunately, the article has no comment section. Bummer.

garrito said...

Oh, and Mary, as far as I'm concerned it's not only OK, but encouraged, to comment wherever and to whomever one sees fit.

Right, I forgot about the male "downcast eyes" -- no shunning is complete without 'em.

Bev said...

I've been trying to think of something clever to say to this, but instead I'm just giving you the "low 'Dude'" (love that!) for posting it, G. :)

garrito said...

Mary deserves all credit for the "low 'Dude'".

Bev said...

Hats off, Mary. Hats off.

jessica o said...

My first thought was Sally's. This must be satire. Like that wickedly funny essay that I read in high school, imploring people to eat babies.

My second thought was this is for real, straight-up Dr. Laura's killer kool-aid shit. I think I just threw up in my mouth.

garrito said...

If it's satire, it's great. If not, yeah, Dr. Laura strikes a bell. Shame we may never know.

Samsmama said...

Ok, gotta love getting follow up comment alerts.

I'll have you know that, for me, seeing Dr. Laura's name illicits the same sort of anger as mentioning C.D. on LOTD. I hate that bitch.

garrito said...

I'm going to say I hate CD more, if only because there's always a chance I can be at a store, wherever, and hear...that voice. It's far worse when you have to see her face, too, but that voice makes me want to stick icepicks in my ears and wiggle them around.

jessica o said...

ooooooo. Titanic Fail. Took me FOREVER. I cry when I hear her voice. Not in a good way. And I really do judge people for liking her music. Like my mom. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

Not too swift...

despite your obvious wit.

Of course it is satire, but as with all satire, includes a recognition of the complicated difficulties. Japanese women are just as happy, in general, as the American women I know.

But everyone deserves choice.

Enjoyed your blog. My sis alerted me.
