Thursday, April 2, 2009

Boy meets girl, girl bleeds boys

I never envisioned this as a movie review blog, but then I've never seen a motion picture quite like Let The Right One In, a Swedish vampire movie in a different vein. (OK, I'll try to refrain from more "sink your teeth into..." gimmes.)

I'm not going to give a full-on review here (check out my friend's take on the flick at I Love Splatter!), except to say it combines the classic elements of coming-of-age romance with coming-out-of-a-coffin ghoulishness. And like some truly great thrillers, it's what doesn't appear on screen that makes it special.

If you thought the scariest things coming out of Sweden were Ikea chair beds (Lycksele Lövås) and under-ripe lingonberries, get ready for a herring-raising experience. (Sorry.)

Two Fangs, way up!


Bev said...

Ooh, I'm glad you liked it. This is next on my Netflix queue and I'm really looking forward to it.

Matter Of Fact Mommy said...


it's virtually impossible for me to be able to view a movie in my house. the toddler doesn't nap anymore. (little fucking brat!) and if i ever, heaven forbid, have an hour or so of free time, i'm blogging or sleeping.

but i'll keep it in mind when the kids are out of the house. heh.

garrito said...

Yes, great new avatar, Bev. I'm kind of upset I already sealed the flick back in the Netflix envelope -- I can't wait to see it again!

MoFM-It's nothing a little formaldehyde can't fix.

Samsmama said...

Insert Homer Simpson voice:


garrito said...

Have you ever had the Swedish meatballs with lingonberries at Ikea? Talk about "Mmmmmmm..." I used to work right down the street from an Ikea in Seattle -- if it weren't for the usual mob scene, I would have gone every day.

Unknown said...

oh wow, I think even the trailer is going to give me nightmares. Crap!

garrito said...

It's really not that kind of gorefest, Mad Stacie. Don't tell any guys I said this, because I'll deny it, but the movie has a real tenderness to it. And like I said, much of the gross stuff is off-screen. Some suspenseful movies absolutely kill me (I'm looking at you, Blair Witch), but I didn't have to watch through my fingers once.

jessica o said...

James loves vampire flicks. I am a zombie person myself. Okay just Shaun of the Dead. This is next in the queueueue for James. Thanks, G-Money.

Nice fucking language about your no-napping brat, MOFM. muwah

garrito said...


Oh man, I can watch SotD over and over and over...

Harmony said...

Holy Shit Vampires scare the crap out of me!!!

But....I did see Twilight and it was hilarious!

But...this movie looks WAY scarier than Twilight. SO, I will probably have to watch an hour or so of cartoons before going to bed, to reset my brain.

I don't know why but I LMAO at Will you be my girlfriend?

garrito said...

I couldn't bring myself to see Twilight. I was at a theater the night it opened, and after seeing the mob of tween girl goths camped out for the midnight premiere, I figured I wasn't quite the demographic.

The only reason I would see it is it takes place in Forks, WA. I've stayed there, and it does seem like a perfectly gloomy vampire setting.

I'd have to watch a lot of cartoons if I lived there.

Harmony said...

Twilight is not worth the cost of the movie ticket/rental fee.

I went with my younger sister (Melody)...we laughed SO hysterically through it, that we were upsetting some of the other movie goers. I honestly have never laughed SO hard.

This movie review sums it rather nicely:

(I sent it to Cary, but he hasn't ran it yet...if he is going to)

garrito said...

Excellent review. Much more entertaining than the movie, I imagine.

Amie said...

Hilarious! Thanks for linking to my little horror movie blog. :)

garrito said...

My pleasure, Amie. Thank you for enlightening me with the details I missed. Damn laptop distracts me every time I watch a movie.

Laura said...

Just found your blog via someone via Cary...or something like that. :oD Love, love, love scary movies and this looks awesome! I couldn't even get through the book "Twilight" **zzzzzzz** so I will deffo be giving the movie a miss!

garrito said...

I failed to officially welcome you earlier, Laura. Welcome! I'm glad you found me. Now go watch this flick! I wouldn't saying it's especially scary, but it's so well done. Plus, I want to hear what you think of the ending. So report back!

rkintn said...

The movie was okay. I think alot was lost in the translation and it was slow moving. Definitely not your typical splatterfest vamp o rama.