Thursday, April 9, 2009

Colorado has a very dirty mind

Sure, a license plate like THEPIG is fine and dandy. But try to express your feelings about vegan food and the state makes you out to be some trashy over-sexed nympho whore on wheels.

All Kelley Coffman-Lee wanted to do was tell the world how she felt about tofu: "It's not a dirty, evil food. It's very wholesome." [I'd like to learn more about these dirty, evil foods.]

But no-o-o-o. Colorado DMV officials saw through that little charade. They know the difference between TOFU and TO-F-U. They should, because they do the latter whenever you need new tabs.

(Click the healthy/dirty license for the complete story.)


Samsmama said...

That plate is awesome! Although not as funny as the whore picture.

Dirty, evil food? I don't know...cucumbers sprang to mind.

And the best part? My word verf.


Bev said...

Wow - best word verf. evah! Loves it.

Ok, the link? Brilliant. Hil-fucking-arious, Garritoto.

That plate rocks, even though tofu is the devil's smegma. IMHO, of course.

Dirty evil foods? The Wendy's Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger, hands down. Those things are dirty, dirty sluts.

Samsmama said...

Bev, the suck part is that I typed it in wrong.

And that's weird, because I thought about Wendy's too. But the Baconator came to mind.

garrito said...

Cucumbers. Yes, Samsmama, that brings to mind Animal House, at the supermarket with Dean Wormer's wife: "Mine's bigger."

You have reached the zenith of word verf. All else will be disappointing after FARTHOG. (Kinda goes with THEPIG.)

Bev: I love "Garritoto"! Woof! Anyone seen Dorithita?

Also, FYI a Google search for Devil's Smegma turned up:

Candy Corn
Marmite (Yes!)
Goat Cheese (No!)
Green Jelly
and, yes, we have a match...
Tofu (comment #10)

Matter Of Fact Mommy said...

one of the thEE best vanity plates i've ever seen.

and i love tofu, goat cheese AND meth!

i totally didn't click on any of the links.

and i think Garritutu works too. :p

Harmony said...

I can't think of anyone who would not read that as To-F-U. If your mind isn't in the gutter...than where else can it be? Honestly, I want to know.

Green Jelly...huh? I love how Meth is just kind of tossed in there under Goat Cheese like it's not big deal.

jessica o said...

Miley - OUCH. hahaha!

G-Love, sadly I immediately read it the DMV way. Does it make me like them?

Garritofu, I love that you actually googled devil's smegma.

Bev said...

Jeez, you mean I can't even claim credit for "devil's smegma?! Some biker dude named Rogger got it first? That bastard!

Also, mmmm, that's good meth.

jessica o said...

Just noticed the Zoology Fail. HA!

Word: sickitst - n. a person who is prejudice against sick people. Such a person is usually responsible for the "Doctor's Note" policy in schools and corporations. Their discrimination is so overwhelming it causes the sickitsts to work while sick, thus spreading infection and further fueling their prejudice.

Matter Of Fact Mommy said...

my mom is a sickitst... she hates sick people or anyone with any sort of deformity. and dwarves. omg, she HATES dwarves. sorry, "little people."

garrito said...

MoFM: Who DOESN'T love tofu, goat cheese, and meth? C'mon, sometimes you feel a little healthy, sometimes a little elitist, and sometimes you just can't get your ass out of the double wide.

Harmony: I just lists it as I sees it. Me, I don't see the meth===>smegma connection, but to each his own. And you're right, minds are in the gutter, but only heads are in the clouds.

O-Baby: Curious minds have to know. You know? Also, thematically I think "Garritofu" is the clear winner here.

Bev: I have faith that you have it in you to come up with a truly vile and disturbing euphemism. Don't quit!

garrito said...

O-Hell: You're like the Rich "Snigglet" Hall of word verf. Very nice.

MoFM: Does your mom want to pepper spray midgets like Harmony wants to pepper spray clowns? 'Cause that's even funnier than clowns. I'm tempted. Clowns probably go around expecting a bad reaction from some people, but the little feller would never see it coming!

jessica o said...

I feel like a total verf bitch though. Stealing Samsmama's thunder. Farthog was a gem f'sho.

jessica o said...

And cucumbers, hah!

garrito said...

Samsmama gets the best ones, but you make the most out of bad ones, JoJo Dancer.

Matter Of Fact Mommy said...

my mom turns away so fast whenever she spies a midget - whether on TV or in real life. it's written all over her face. i think the look on her face is far worse than any side affect from pepper spray...

garrito said...

Funny, earlier I wrongly accused Samsmama's mama of midget bashing by mistake on LotD (in the first Go West video comments, in defense of J-O's accusations of me "info cramming").

I just watched The Elephant Man last night. I can't imagine how your mom would react to him, MoFM.

Samsmama said...

For some stupid reason, I can't view many videos on our laptop. Therefore, didn't click on the video on LOTD. Therefore, didn't see where you falsely accused my mother of hating midgets. So when I get this email follow up comment in my mailbox, I was ULTRA confused. It ALL makes sense now.

garrito said...

Yeah, I guess it's not every day one gets an email implicating one's mother in unabashed midget myopia.

It is kinda funny. Right?

jessica o said...

MoFM, midgets rule! I'm a midget. Okay, not really.

garrito said...

Midgets do rule. Why, I can even midget name drop: We were in NYC for a wedding two years ago and went for dinner at the Spotted Pig (an awesome restaurant in the West Village). Sitting at the table next to us was Peter Dinklage of Station Agent and Elf fame. If I stared, it's because he's cool, not because of his spatial deprivation.

jessica o said...

LOL spatial deprivation. What is it with you and weddings? Are they all yours?

jessica o said...

Also? Why is Copyranter so angry?

garrito said...

Me and weddings? Have I mentioned that many? Hmmm? I don't think I've actually mentioned any of mine, except the upcoming one.

I'm not sure Copyranter is angry so much as cranky. And even that may just be an affectation.

jessica o said...

The other night you said you had wedding stuff, then you mentioned wedding in NYC here, and you're engaged. Maybe the wedding stuff you mentioned the other night was prep for your own wedding? In which case I guess that's not a whole lotta weddings.

verf: comogy - n. a comedy trilogy, usually comedy fail.

garrito said...

Ah, yes, I did mention wedding plans. Yes, that was for my upcoming nuptials. I was actually just up most of the night trying to book our honeymoon. NEVER USE ORBITZ! The fuckers tried to pull a bait'n'switch on me, then kept charging me repeatedly for some additional fee. I had to get my credit card co to intervene. Finally got things booked this morning, through Travelocity. Phew!

Funny, I always though "comogy" was the study of punctuation marks.

jessica o said...

Apparently we were both wrong.

garrito said...

We stand corrected. It actually looks like some pretty cool shit. Didja see the Aerocar?

And I tip my hat to you for Googling it.

jessica o said...

I wish Cary would buy the inflatable screen and invite us over for shitty movie night.